Wednesday, March 31, 2021

It's a Dad!

Tuesday night, March 29, 2021, confirmation came in for my most recent client who was searching for her biological father (It Is Him! - written 3 Feb 2021). The confirmation was in the form of his DNA results. They match on AncestryDNA as parent/child.

It was a long arduous process but it feels good to solve such a meaningful mystery. 

I couldn't have figure it out, though, had it not been for all the biological cousins out there who also took DNA tests.

You may not know who you are helping when you take a direct to consumer DNA tests. There are many people opposed to this kind of information being out there. They have legitimate concerns about their privacy and the future of privacy in general. But great blessings can also come out of genetic genealogy.

I hope my client and her biological father can develop a mutually beneficial, positive, adult child/parent relationship.

If you are struggling to learn about your biological family:

  1. Before you even take a DNA test, learn how to interpret your results and about the limitations DNA testing can run into.
  2. Accept that you may never know the answer you seek and that what you find may not be good.
  3. Get a good strong support system around you because it is a freakin' emotional roller coaster.
  4. Then test everywhere you can. You never know where that significant cousin match will be.

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